Faculty Specialists

Faculty Specialists

Email Location & Phone
Headshot by Tom Bacho Adegbenro, Michael
Faculty Specialist
Bernard Adusei Adusei, Bernard
Faculty Specialist
badusei@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 368 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
(301) 405-2140
Alice Altstatt Altstatt, Alice
Project Manager UMD-CARPE (Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment), Principal Faculty Specialist
aaltstat@umd.edu Suite 401, 4321 Hartwick Rd., College Park
(301) 405-6170
Fernanda Argueta Argueta, Fernanda
Senior Faculty Specialist
Profile image - Isha Asalla, Faculty specialist, BSOS  Geography Asalla, Isha
Faculty Specialist
Brian Barker Barker, Brian
Senior Faculty Specialist
bbarker1@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 303 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
(301) 405-9845
Eddy Bongwele Bongwele, Eddy
Faculty Specialist
ebongwel@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 358E3 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
Photo of Ms Devereux against a backdrop with green vines Devereux, Taryn
Senior Faculty Specialist
taryndev@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 309D1 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
E. C. Duncan Duncan, Erik
Faculty Specialist
Picture of Diana Frimpong, Diana
Faculty Specialist
dfrimpon@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 309B2
headshot Haynes, Keelin
Senior Faculty Specialist
haynesk@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 309C3 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
Andres Hernandez-Serna Hernandez-Serna, Andres
Principal Faculty Specialist
andreshs@umd.edu 4600 River Rd, Suite 300, Riverdale, MD 20737, United States
C_Justice Justice, Christina
Senior Faculty Specialist
justicec@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 309D2 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
pic Kadam, Tejaswini
Faculty Specialist
tkadam@umd.edu River Road
John Keniston Keniston, John
Senior Faculty Specialist
keniston@umd.edu 4600 River Rd, Suite 371 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
Profile image of Theo Kerr Kerr, Theo
Faculty Specialist
tkerr1@umd.edu River Road
Abhishek Kotcharlakota, Abhishek
Faculty Specialist
(240) 610-7294
jpeg format Koy, Heritier
hkondjo@umd.edu Cube 358 D, River Road office
Profile Picture Kuei, Chin-yun
Faculty Specialist
ckuei@umd.edu 4600 River Road
profile picture Leitold, Veronika
Faculty Specialist
vleitold@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 347A2 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
Mengxue Li Li, Mengxue
Director of International Affairs and Principal Faculty Specialist
mxli@umd.edu 1161 Lefrak Hall (send mail to 2181 LeFrak), 7251 Preinkert Drive, College Park, MD 20742
profilepics Lola Amani, Patrick
Remote Sensing Scientist
pamani@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 366 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
Marroquin, Byron A.
Undergraduate Advisor & Scheduler
bmarroqu@umd.edu 1149a Samuel J. LeFrak Hall
Faculty Specialist MAZINGA, Andre
Faculty Specialist
amazinga@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 358D1 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
David Minor Minor, David
Senior Faculty Specialist
minord@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 347B3 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
Mary Mitkish headshot Mitkish, Mary
Senior Faculty Specialist
mmitkish@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 309C2 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
(301) 405-4050
Kara Mobley Mobley, Kara
Faculty Specialist
kmobley@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 309D3 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
Valeria Morales headshot Morales, Valeria
Faculty Specialist
vmorale2@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 347H2 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
Headshot Munoz Cassolis, Natalia
Faculty Specialist
nmunozc@umd.edu Remote (send mail to Samuel J. LeFrak Hall, 2181)
Munsell is a man smiling, wearing a suit and tie. Munshell, Blake
Senior Faculty Specialist
bmunshel@umd.edu River Road 309B
Emilie Murphy Murphy, Emilie
Senior Faculty Specialist
emilie.murphy@nasa.gov NASA GSFC - Code 619 - Bldg 32/Room N148A
(301) 614-5846
Visitor for the mapping of forest loss in Cameroon at the GLAD laboratory in College Park in 2017 Nana, Tatiana
Faculty Specialist
tnana@umd.edu Room 358 B3, Suite 300, 4600 River Road, Riverdale, MD 20737 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak Hall, College Park, MD 20742)
Caitlyn OFlaherty OFlaherty, Caitlyn
Senior Faculty Specialist
Carolina Ortiz D Ortiz Dominguez, Carolina
Faculty Specialist
cortizd@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 300, Riverdale MD 20740
Jeffrey Pickering Pickering, Jeffrey
Faculty Specialist
jeffreyp@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 358C4 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
APoulson_profilepic Poulson, Andrew
Faculty Specialist
apoulson@umd.edu 4600 River Rd
(301) 442-9860
Meghavi_P Prashnani, Meghavi
Senior Faculty Specialist
meghavi@umd.edu 4600 River Road, Suite 309A3 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
Maps&I Purekhovskiy, Andrey
pooh@umd.edu #366 4600 River Road
William Rountree Rountree, William
Faculty Specialist
wrountre@umd.edu 4321 Hartwick Rd, Suite 400, College Park, MD 20740
Antonio Sanchez Sanchez, Antonio
Faculty Specialist
Tali Schwelling Schwelling, Tali
Faculty Specialist
tschwell@umd.edu 4600 River Rd, Floor 3
headshot Shuai, Guanyuan
umdsgy@umd.edu 4600 River Rd, Suite 300
Basia Skudrzyk profile photo Skudrzyk, Basia
Faculty Specialist
the perp Sohlberg, Robert
Principal Faculty Specialist
robert.a.sohlberg@nasa.gov 4600 River Road, Suite 300, Riverdale, MD 20737
Vidit Vaywala Vaywala, Vidit
Financial Analyst
vvaywala@umd.edu 2181 L, Lefrak Hall