Kara Mobley is a Faculty Specialist with the University of Maryland Department of Geographical Sciences for the NASA Harvest program. Her position involves supporting the Group on Earth Observations Global Agricultural Monitoring (GEOGLAM) initiatives and contributing to the Crop Monitor for Early Warning (CM4EW) monthly reports. These reports provide information on current crop conditions at the sub-national scale for countries at risk for food insecurity and offer consensus-based information designed for use by agencies concerned with food security and humanitarian aid. Additionally, Kara develops reports for countries experiencing severe internal conflict to demonstrate the impact that ongoing conflict has on agricultural production and food security. Kara has a diverse background in agricultural economics, agricultural policy, and program management. Her professional interests involve food security, agricultural sustainability, and leveraging Remote Sensing and GIS to ensure global food needs are sustainably met.



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Kara Mobley
4600 River Road, Suite 309D3 (send mail to 2181 LeFrak)
Department of Geographical Sciences
kmobley [at] umd.edu