Join us for the Geographical Sciences Career Fair!

The GEOG Advising Office, in cooperation with the University Career Center, is sponsoring a semi-annual career/internship fair specifc to Geographical Sciences, GIS and ENSP students on Friday, October 23.  The following public, private and non-profit employers will attend to seek out potential interns and employees:

National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)

NOAA-Office of Coastal Survey

BSOS Global Scholars

UMD Federal Semester Program

Geographic Services, Inc.

UMD Facilities Management

UMD's Masters of Professional Studies in GIS Program

Association of American Geographers

Census Bureau

Clean Water Action

Until Here Local 25


US Army - Topographic Engineer Center


HACU National Internship Program


Business attire suggested.  For additional information, please contact the advising office or CLICK HERE.

We look forward to seeing you there!