Colin Hartnett, Graduate Assistant
Quick Chat with Colin Hartnett
Meet the friendly face behind the front desk at GEOG! Colin Hartnett started working for the Department as a front desk assistant in the fall of 2022. After graduating from GEOG in the spring of 2023, he came back as a graduate assistant.
What city/town are you from?
I’m from Southborough, Massachusetts.
What do you like most about your role?
My favorite part about my role is getting to meet and greet all of the students and faculty when they come into the main office. I love learning about everyone’s studies and their role within GEOG.
What’s a pet peeve you have at work?
My only pet peeve at work is that the lights turn off every 15 minutes!
What do you like to do when you are not working?
When I’m not working or in class, I like to explore DC by just walking around the city or finding cheap concerts to go to. When the weather’s nice, I love getting outside to go on hikes in the area as well.
What would you love to do when you graduate?
Upon completing my master's, I hope to utilize my education in environmental science and public policy to work toward advancing climate and energy policy. I would be very interested in working for a government agency such as the EPA, NOAA, or FEMA.
Anything else you would like people to know about you.
If you ever need anything GEOG-related don’t hesitate to stop by the front desk!
Photo courtesy of Colin Hartnett