The International Center for Innovation in Geospatial Analytics and Earth Observation
We are an international consortium of leaders in earth observation and geoinformatics dedicated to advancing knowledge of our changing planet. We pursue interdisciplinary research and development, spanning mission design to launch, encompassing instrument and algorithm development, advanced geospatial data analysis, and data assimilation and prediction, to develop applications in earth system science for societal benefit. We innovate in cutting-edge techniques designed to monitor and model Earth’s environment through global collaboration and excellence in both research and teaching.
MISSION: Our mission is to advance the development and application of remote sensing and geospatial technology and analysis, through international collaboration, innovation and education.
VISION: Global leadership in remote sensing and geospatial technologies for societal benefit and environmental sustainability.
FULFILLING OUR VISION AND ACHIEVING OUR MISSION: The International Center for Innovation in Geospatial Analytics and Earth Observation (International GEO Center) will support the development and exploitation of both remote sensing and geospatial information science through computation, data science, and technology to advance knowledge of Earth’s environment, while simultaneously inspiring the next generation of global leaders in earth observation and geospatial analysis.
DIRECTOR: Ralph Dubayah
The International GEO Center is offering fellowships to support graduate student travel to foster international collaboration. The fellowships will be awarded to GEOG students working in the areas of Earth Observations and Geospatial Analysis. This fellowship is intended for supporting a short-term collaborative opportunity in summer 2023.
To be considered for the fellowship, students need to –
- Identify the institute they would like to visit, the approximate duration of the visit, the proposed host they will collaborate with and submit a one page proposal about the work they would like to accomplish during their visit
- Email confirmation from the student’s advisor at UMD including the goals of the collaborative research will be needed with the application
This award is intended for travel and housing support for a student’s international collaboration. It cannot be used to attend conferences. It can be used to supplement other travel awards or fellowships. The International GEO Center will support travel and accommodation up to a total of $ 5000. There are a total of 4 awards available.
Please submit your applications with the Subject 'Graduate Travel Fellowship' to by December 5th 2022 to be considered for the fellowship. Once selected we will need confirmation from the host agreeing to the visit.
Quantitative Remote Sensing Summer School
The International GEO Center is organizing a Quantitative Remote Sensing Summer School
from July 5 - 13, 2022, in collaboration with the School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering of
Wuhan University, the Quantitative Remote Sensing Research Center of Wuhan University, and the
Department of Geography at the University of Hong Kong.
The summer school will be held in both Chinese and English, featuring talks by global experts in remote
sensing. The talks will focus on quantitative remote sensing theories and methods, recent advances in
research and applications covering a range of topics including atmospheric remote sensing, land cover
mapping, agricultural monitoring, remote sensing of fires, vegetation monitoring, hydrological remote
sensing, and big data processing.
Topic: International Quantitative Remote Sensing Summer School July5-13 2022
When: July 5 - July 13, 2022
Talks in English: 8:00 – 10:35 AM US EDT/ 1:00 – 3:35 PM UK Time/ 8:00 – 10:35 PM China Time
Some English talks are at 9:00 PM US EDT!
Registration: is Free. Please fill out this form.
The Summer School Program is listed below!
Where: Online
· Graduate students and early career researchers in geospatial sciences /remote sensing or with related
research experience
· Undergraduate students who have completed coursework related to remote sensing or have familiarity
with satellite data and image processing
· Interest in state-of-art quantitative remote sensing techniques
Please register to receive updates!