Vicky Berry, Director of Administrative Services
Quick Chat With Vicky Berry
With a deep-rooted connection to UMD since she began her undergraduate studies in 2006, Assistant Director of Business Services [now Director of Administrative Services] Vicky Berry never left! This native of Hyattsville, Maryland, joined GEOG as a research coordinator a little over seven years ago and knows the Department inside and out.
How would you explain your role in one sentence?
My job involves being a resource to all members of the GEOG community whether it be for research, procurement, or human resources.
What do you like most about your role?
I love being able to interact with virtually everyone in the Department. I also really enjoy talking with the investigators about their ongoing research and how GEOG makes impacts across the globe on a daily basis.
What’s a pet peeve you have at work?
When the office is too cold or too hot (LeFrak likes to keep us on our toes!).
What do you do to help you recharge?
Sports are a big part of my life and a great way for me to get offline and out into the world. I'm a big fan of UMD athletics so you can usually find me at the games, especially women's basketball. Reading is another big activity for me especially if it's history related. Traveling is also a great way for me to get away and recharge!
Anything else you would like people to know about you.
I'm also really big into Legos, especially the NASA-themed sets. Come see my Apollo 11 Lunar Module and Hidden Figures sets in my office!
Photo courtesy of Vicky Berry in Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England