Stewart, Kathleen
Kathleen Stewart is Professor in the Department of Geographical Sciences and Director of the Center for Geospatial Information Science. She works in the area of geographic information science with a focus on geospatial dynamics. She is interested in mobility and spatial access, often in a big geospatial data context and using approaches that lie in the expanding field of spatial data science. She investigates movement and mobility for a number of different application domains, for example, health and transportation where movement patterns and behaviors as well as spatial access are key topics. She teaches in the areas of spatiotemporal data modeling, geographic database design, geovisualization and cartography, and fundamentals of geographic information science. Dr. Stewart collaborates with researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine's Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health, UMD's Center for Substance Use, Addiction, and Health Research (CESAR), the Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory (CATT Labs), the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS), the School of Public Health, and the Social Data Science Center among others. Her research has been supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Federal Highway Administration, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources among other organizations.
Dr. Stewart is President-Elect of the University Consortium of Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) and is also a UCGIS Fellow. She serves as a member of the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC), a Federal Advisory Committee sponsored by the Department of the Interior. She served on the Mapping Science Committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (2016-2023). She serves as a member of the editorial boards of The International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS), Geographical Analysis, the Journal of Spatial Information Science (JOSIS), the International Journal of Geo-Information and Geomatics among others.
She is a steering committee member for the International Conference on GIScience and a past steering committee member for the Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT).
University of Maine, Spatial Information Science and Engineering - PhD
University of British Columbia, Geography - MS
(Hons.), McMaster University, Geography - BA
Areas of Interest
- Geospatial health, Mobility, Spatiotemporal big data, Geospatial ontologies, Spatiotemporal information retrieval