Weekly Seminar: The Multifaceted View of the U.S. Land Change: the Change Agent Facet, Dr. Zhe Zhu
Join us for our weekly seminar this Thursday, December 1st from 3:45-5pm in River Road RM 325, LeFrak 1158 or via Zoom! Dr. Zhe Zhu from the University of Connecticut will be presenting "The Multifaceted View of the U.S. Land Change: the Change Agent Facet."
Abstract: The discipline of land change science has been evolving rapidly in the past decades. Remote sensing played a major role in one of the most critical components of land change science, which includes observation, monitoring, and characterization of land change. I first will introduce a new remote sensing perspective on land change -- the multifaceted view, and the corresponding five facets including change location, time, target, process, and agent. Finally, I will introduce the very first CONUS-wide land agent product that provides annual and high-resolution land change information based on the ODACA and COLD algorithms.
Speaker Bio: Dr. Zhu is the Assistant Professor in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Founding Director of the Global Environmental Remote Sensing (GERS) Laboratory, and the CATALYST-UConn Center of Excellence at the University of Connecticut (UConn), Storrs, CT. He is the recipient of the 2021 UConn-AAUP Excellence Awards, the Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers (2020-2022), a member of the USGS-NASA Landsat Science Team and NASA Black Marble Science Team, and the author of the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCAS) on Land Cover and Land-Use Change for U.S. Global Change Research Program. He is also the Associate Editor of Remote Sensing of Environment, Science of Remote Sensing, Journal of Remote Sensing, and on the Editorial Board of PeerJ and Remote Sensing.
Dr. Zhu’s research has been focused on developing novel numerical, statistical, and computational approaches that use satellite data for studying the coupled human-environment systems and environmental change at multiple spatiotemporal scales, with particular emphasis on large-scale and dense time series analyses. He has been the PI or Institutional PI for 4.3 million research grants and participated in a total of 25.9 million research grants. His projects are mainly supported by government funding agencies, such as USGS, NASA, NSF, USDA, IARPA, DEEP, as well as by the private sector, such as The Climate Corporation, Eversource Energy, and PCI Geomatics Corporate.
Zoom Meeting Info: Please email haijunli@umd.edu for Zoom details.