GEOG Webinar: Dr. Sinead Farrell and Dr. Taylor M. Oshan

Please join for a departmental webinar via Zoom on Thursday, 10/22/2020, from 3:45 - 5:00pm ET.

Dr. Sinead L. Farrell will present on, “Exploring Recent Changes in the Arctic with Remote Sensing”

There is widespread observational evidence that significant, and rapid, changes are occurring in the Arctic climate system. Air temperatures in the Arctic are warming at twice the global rate causing sea surface and permafrost temperatures to increase. Perhaps one of the largest changes has occurred in the sea ice covering the Arctic Ocean, which has declined in both extent and thickness over the last four decades. The ongoing loss of ice has not only serious implications for Earth’s climate but also wide-ranging ecological and socio-economic impacts. The Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) on ICESat-2 offers a new remote sensing capability to measure the complex sea ice surface at high resolution. Here we provide a review of the recent changes underway in the Arctic. We also explore the first two years of sea ice retrievals from ICESat-2, demonstrating its capability to track the evolution of the ice cover in all seasons.


Dr. Taylor M. Oshan will present on, “Local Spatial Analysis and the Geography of Relationships”

Many traditional quantitative methods implicitly assume that the associated results and interpretations are applicable across the entire study area under investigation. Local spatial analysis provides an alternative paradigm that rejects this assumption in favor of acknowledging and capturing potential heterogeneity in spatial patterns and processes. Over the last few decades, the local modeling paradigm has expanded and become increasingly sophisticated. As a result, this talk will begin by first highlighting why a local analytical approach is important and outline some available techniques. It will then hone in on a specific technique – geographically weighted regression – for analyzing how relationships vary across space and discuss a recent multiscale extension and its application in the domain of modeling neighborhood-level health outcomes.


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