GEOG Seminar 5/9: Yun Yang "Vegetation Water Use Monitoring with Remote Sensing and Cloud Computing"

Join us next Thursday, May 9 for the GEOG seminar featuring Assistant Professor Yun Yang from Mississippi State University, from 3:45-5:00 p.m. (EST). Yang's research explores methods for robust assessments of daily water use across spatial scales, combining remote sensing data and cloud computing for large-scale applications.

About The Presentation

To develop sustainable water resources and ecosystems that will meet the needs of Earth’s growing population into the future, there is a critical need for robust assessments of daily water use, or evapotranspiration (ET), and water stress over a wide range in spatial scales – from field to globe, from agriculture to forest landscapes. This presentation discusses methods for combining information from the current suite of EO satellites to address issues of water resource management. These methods fuse multi-scale diagnostic ET retrievals generated using shortwave and thermal infrared datasets from multiple EO platforms to generate ET datacubes with both high spatial (30-m) and temporal (daily) resolution. Several case studies using such ET datacubes to investigate changes in vegetation water use patterns over agricultural and forested landscapes in response to changing land use, land management, and climate forcings are shown. This presentation also highlights cloud computing capabilities for large scale applications provided by the recently launched OpenET platform, generating 30-m maps of daily, monthly and annual ET over the U.S. using an ensemble modeling approach and the integration of ECOSTRESS data into the OpenET system.

About The Speaker

Dr. Yun Yang is an assistant professor in the Department of Forestry at Mississippi State University. Dr. Yang is on the OpenET science team and both NASA ECOSTRESS science team and the NASA ACRES team. She serves as an associate editor for Earth System Science Data and the Journal of American Water Resources Association. Her research interests focus on studying the energy and water fluxes between land surfaces and atmosphere and ecosystem resilience using remote sensing, modeling, and cloud computing as the major approaches.

Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 368 467 4258
Meeting Password: 196182