GEOG Seminar 5/2: Nathan Kurtz, "A Tour of the Cryosphere From Land to Sea"

This week's GEOG seminar will feature Dr. Nathan Kurtz, Lab Chief at NASA Cryospheric Sciences, from 3:45 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 2 in River Road Room 325 and on Zoom.

About The Seminar

This presentation will focus on observations of the Earth’s Cryosphere: the ice covered regions of the Earth’s surface. For over 4 decades NASA has pioneered new technological work to track changes in the Earth’s ice cover and better understand associated impacts to the Earth’s climate and ongoing sea level rise. Research will be presented on NASA’s observations of Earth’s land and sea ice covers from airborne and satellite platforms. Special attention will be given to some of NASA’s recent missions including the Operation IceBridge airborne campaign and NASA’s ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2) mission.

About The Speaker

Nathan Kurtz is a physical scientist working at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. His research focuses on the development and validation of remote sensing algorithms for the retrieval of sea ice properties through the combined use of satellite, airborne, model, and in-situ data. He was the Project Scientist for NASA’s Operation IceBridge airborne project from 2015-2018, leading numerous field campaigns to the Arctic and Antarctic and the production of sea ice thickness and snow depth observations from the campaign. He is presently the Deputy Project Scientist for ICESat-2 and the Chief for NASA’s Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory.

Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 368 467 4258
Passcode: 196182