Geospatial Data Science
The Geospatial Data Science Specialization 
Students specializing in the Geospatial Data Science concentration gain the technical skills needed to acquire, manage, and analyze large amounts of geographic data. Students will get computer training in digital processing of remote sensing observations and cartographic vector data, spatial analysis, and the display of information in GIS software. The curriculum will provide students with the necessary background to use remote sensing and GIS in various fields such as environmental monitoring, disaster assessments, military analysis and intelligence, social justice, cartography, and other related fields. This track goes beyond the techniques for gathering and analyzing data and requires an understanding of the environmental and social processes represented by the data. These tools are essential to the education and future of global citizens.
Admission to the Program
If you are interested in joining the program, please schedule an appointment with a Geographical Sciences Advisor. For a full major curriculum sheet with specific course requirements, please see our Curriculum Guides & Advising Forms page.
Where have GIS students gone after graduation?
- Opened their own Businesses (New Light Technologies, GeoMarvel, and Immuta are all owned by UMD GEOG Alumni!)
- US Census Bureau
- Local Governments (City of Greenbelt, City of Bowie, City of College Park, etc.)
- Baltimore Parks and Planning
- National Capital Planning Commission
- Esri
- Apple
- Law Enforcement Agencies (PGPD, HCPD, AACP, etc.)
- National Park Service
- and Graduate School!