Roger, Jean-Claude
Degree to apply for a full professor position (typically french !!) - University Blaise Pascal, France - “Synergetic approach for a better optical and micro-physical characterization of aerosols, and a better estimation of their impacts” (2006) - PhD ++
University of Lille 1 - "Spatial Studies in Polarized Light - Preparation of the POLDER instrument"- Graduated with the highest honor (1991) - PhD
Master in Fundamental Physique - University of Lille 1, France (1988) - MA
Areas of Interest
- Remote Sensing of Atmosphere and Land
- Atmospheric Correction (VIIRS, MODIS, Sentinel(s), Landsat(s), Planet, WorldviewMERIS...)
- Calibration/Validation
- Radiative Transfer
- Aerosol characterization (chemical, microphysical, physical, radiative) and Aerosol radiative impact
- Polarization of the Atmospheric Light