Digital image processing and analysis applied to satellite and aircraft land remote sensing data. Consideration is given to preprocessing steps including calibration and geo registration. Analysis methods include digital image exploration, feature extraction thematic classification, change detection, and biophysical characterization. One or more application examples may be reviewed. (Technical)

GEOG372 and GEOG306; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: GEOG472 or GEOG480. Formerly: GEOG480. Students must pay a $40.00 laboratory materials fee.
Credits: 3
Grading Method: Regular

Course Offerings

    Spring 2020 Instructor: Dongdong Wang Co-Instructor: View:
    Spring 2018 Instructor: Chengquan Huang Co-Instructor: View: Syllabus
    Fall 2014 Instructor: Tatiana V. Loboda Co-Instructor: View: Syllabus